Request Loci-Stream
If you wish to license Loci-Stream, we offer a 30 day free trial. The first step towards getting a copy of Loci-Stream is to fill out the request form below. The real-fluids & Lagrangian particle modules are only available to U.S. citizens, so please fill out in the form whether you are requesting these modules. An alternative way to evaluate Loci-Stream in lieu of obtaining a trial license is to run cases of interest or tutorial cases using Loci-Stream on the AWS marketplace. This can be done for a minimal cost. If you need assistance with setting up run control or grid files for your proprietary applications, we can provide assistance at a minimal cost.
Once we receive your form, we will need to verify the citizenship status of the individual requesting Loci-Stream before a trial copy can be provided if the real-fluid or Lagrangian particle modules are requested. After we process your request, you will receive a download link to a compressed folder containing the executable files for Loci-Stream. A license manager will also be sent to you and you will receive a set of license files that are required to validate the trial license for your system. For more details on installing and using the license manager, see our license manager guide on the documentation page.
All of your submitted information is kept private and will never be monetized or provided to third-parties.